Here we are, it is the final stretch. It is the last quarter of the year, and your last opportunity to refocus and regroup to achieve the personal and professional goals you had set out for yourself last January.
You might say it is an end and a beginning at the same time. September is a pivotal point in the calendar. It marks the beginning of an academic year, launching point after summer’s rest, change in the season, new beginnings, start of activities for kids, final quarter for businesses and the list goes on. This is what makes September a crucial time for people when it comes to reviewing and re-establishing their personal and professional goals
When you review your goals, why not ask yourself these questions:
• What achievements have I made?
• What’s left to do?
• What am I doing to take myself one step beyond my comfort zone?
• If I’m falling short, what is my new strategy for the final push?
• Are there new behaviours I need to implement to succeed?
• What can I do to outperform myself?
Once you’ve reflected on what has been it is time to look forward!
Tips to finish the year powerfully
1. Measure your achievements in relation to previously set objectives.
2. Set your sight on the gap – what’s left to be achieved? Re-evaluate to determine if the original goals were realistic and take this time to adjust (with the idea of still stretching yourself). This is not the time to be overly conservative.
3. Review the relevance of your goals.
4. Recommit to your goals and identify 3 compelling reasons to stay strong and focused.
5. Adjust your Action Plan to finish the year in a powerful way. Design a clear action plan and time line for each goal. Start with 3 things you can do today to start building momentum.
6. Challenge your thinking and decisions to ensure you are moving in the right direction.
7. Track your progress.
8. Identify your obstacles and seek strategies to overcome them.
9. Tap into your support system to keep you accountable.
10. Be brave and stretch yourself.
Coaching is a valuable process to assist individuals in reaching their maximum potential. Contact Manon to give your last quarter a new focus.